Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Help! My ears are bleeding!

Before I start complaining let me first say that I love music. When I am in the car alone or at home baking I like to have music to listen to. I like it loud. At home
I am in control of what I hear. I am so not in control anywhere else. Everywhere you go all of the time there is just the most god aweful music playing, loudly. It is at the grocery store, Target, every restaurant in Stark county, and my place of employment saturating my ears with mediocre pop music. There is nothing like trying to clear a schedule at work whilst listening to George Michael yelling that he "wants my sex" over the loudspeakers. Yes George I want you too.

Another favorite is eating dinner with my husband at a restaurant while listening to the musical stylings of say cheesy mullet 80's band Bon Jovi. Yes, we all know you are wanted "Dead or Alive" and a "steel horse you ride". Yuck. I am sure the members of Bon Jovi are lovely people but their music makes me want to vomit. Does this bother anyone else? What is the solution? Maybe I can call ahead and ask these public places to at least turn the music down? They could adopt a soundtrack to my liking. Although I don't think little old ladies at Giant Eagle want to hear all 20 remixes of "Army of Me" by Bjork. Oh wait, I think I just stumbled upon a theory. Not everyone likes the same music at the same time!! WOW. I say to all stores and public places turn off the music. Let me think and shop in peace. Maybe i can get some of those silence headphones. Or even better, I'll get an IPOD and sing along to my music as loud as I want. Everyone in Target will get to hear my special rendition of "Gin and Juice". Do you think anyone will stare? "Some how some way keep comin' up with funky ass shit like every single day" Hey, shut up, it is no worse than listening to Madonna tell us she is "like a virgin". Gross.