First of all Kristen Scott Thomas is the coolest. "I've Loved You So Long" is French drama about family, death and pain starring Kristen Scott Thomas. Her character Juliette comes to live with her younger sister after a 15 year absence. Where has she been? Watching this movie is like an onion peeling itself right before your eyes. You get a small taste of her story and then nothing. You want to know the whole story right now but the movie makes you wait for small bites. One of the most uncomfortable scenes in the movie is between Juliette and her now senile mother when they are reunited after Juliette's 15 year exile. That scene made me squirm in my chair. WEIRD FEELINGS!!
Kristen Scott Thomas never disappoints me. She always looks completely different in every character she inhabits but is still so familiar. She can be anyone. Well, anyone that's cool. I don't think she could play a nerd or poor. In this movie she looks old and full of grief in one scene and youthfully beautiful in another. Go see this movie. You get extra points for seeing a film in French. Everyone will think you are smart and sophisticated, just like Kristen Scott Thomas.
I only thought about Reece's Peanut Butter Cups 1 time during the movie.